The 2-day industry highlight in eastern Germany.
The level of awareness of PIETA extends far beyond national borders. Every two years, more than 100 exhibitors from Germany and many European countries meet in Dresden for industry exchange. In 2023 the PIETA will take place for the 12th time, because the trade fair for funeral supplies and cemetery technology has been organized and carried out by MESSE DRESDEN since 1996. 

The exhibitors from all over Germany and from the neighboring countries show how the work as undertaker, cemetery and crematorium employee can be designed better, more efficiently and more creatively. In face-to-face encounters, open communication takes place, trends are evaluated and new contacts are made. Not everywhere you get such direct, emotional feedback as here at the PIETA. Artistic exhibitions, exciting lectures and training programs enrich the international communication and trading platform. In 2021, over 1,200 professionals from Germany and many European countries visited the fair.


Dates: 26th -27th May 2023
E-mail: gerd.sperhacke@messe-dresden.de
Website: https://www.pieta-messe.de/ 



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