National Member

Virke Gravferd / The Funeral Federation of Norway

Virke, the Enterprise Federation of Norway organizes and represent over 20 000 businesses with more than 225 000 employees in Norway. Virke was founded in 1990 by the trade organizations of Norway with the goal of creating one strong organization that could increase the influence of one of the most value creating industries in Norway.

We work to improve the framework conditions for our members, and a Norway that values and supports those who run businesses.

Our members come from industries such as trade, knowledge, technology, travel, service, health, care, education, culture and voluntary work.
Virke operate in three key areas:

- Influencing legislation and regulations on behalf of the members in order to create an optimal business environment. Virke has access to the highest political levels and is part of the government's regular forum for discussion of business issues on a national level.
- Negotiating agreements with the unions on behalf of the members and support the employers in areas related to employment and labor law issues, questions around personnel issues and HR.
- Tailoring industry communities, where Virke takes the initiative for innovation, establishing forums across industries, making industry and trend analysis and building the image of the industries ni the public domain.

Global members

FIAT-IFTA is the only internationally governed funeral Federation with National, Active And Associate Members in more than 80 countries.

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