Associate Member

Van der Heden IRU

When someone passes away in The Netherlands or abroad, you can rely on Van der Heden International Funeral Transport Services and Funeral Services. Every country has its own traditions and regulations for the transportation of a deceased, the repatriation. That is why organising international funeral transport is a specialization. Here and anywhere in the world, we are ready to help you together with our international partners.

Van der Heden International Funeral Transport and Funeral Services has long-time, worldwide experience and we work with sympathy and respect. We arrange for the best transportation of the deceased, taking your personal wishes into account.

Among our clients you will find funeral companies, insurers, alarm centres, embassies, consulates and multinationals. But also private clients know where to find us.

We are the only specialised and independent service provider offering worldwide funeral transport. We are proud of this fact and it drives us to accomplish successful repatriation to the smallest detail, especially when circumstances are difficult.

Global members

FIAT-IFTA is the only internationally governed funeral Federation with National, Active And Associate Members in more than 80 countries.

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