THANOS magazine

Poland | Europe | June 3, 2024

Meet us at the NECROEXPO 2024
in Kielce

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  • becoming a member of FIAT-IFTA
  • FIAT-IFTA 2024 Convention in Krakow, Poland
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We look forward to meeting you during NECROEXPO in Kielce, Poland.
Come and visit us at our stand G-38.


Necroexpo is Poland’s focal point for the whole funeral industry

Grave digging competition - a race against time, fashion shows for funeral parlour workers and modern coffins and urns on show! Necroexpo is held for the 10th time; the show offers a profound journey into the depth of the industry. Poland's most prominent funeral industry event provides the possibility to learn about producers, suppliers' offers and meet industry experts from all corners of the world. Free tickets are now available online.

– Over 100 exhibitors will take part in the anniversary expo! The exhibitors' milieu comprises both new companies and those that join Necroexpo for the first edition. What do they have in common? They desire constant development, expertise in funeral trends, quality and extensive knowledge – says Marcin Musiał, manager of the Necroexpo fair.

Companies from many industry sectors have already confirmed their participation in the expo. Comprehensive offers for funeral parlours are showcased at Necroexpo by producers of software for funeral homes, compensation companies and companies offering legal services, manufacturers of cremation furnaces, companies offering devices and accessories for dissecting rooms, manufacturers of funeral tents, suppliers of hearses, manufacturers of metalwork products, manufacturers of funeral accessories, producers of coffins and urns, producers of borders and tombstones, suppliers of flowers and bouquets, producers of paintings and funeral plaques, companies offering international transport of the deceased and masters of funeral ceremonies.

Necroexpo is not limited to funeral solutions; this expo also offers top-level content! Lectures and presentations feature funeral masters and occupational health and safety experts who share the most valuable experience they have gained over the years. On 8 June, Patrycja Owczarzak from Piękna Ceremonia will lecture on little yet great things that the master of ceremonies can do for the deceased's family. Agnieszka Nowak of Salvum BHP will share knowledge on funeral home hygiene in the context of disinfectants, emergency procedures and new health and safety regulations. Aneta Dobroch will offer an insight into combining a Catholic funeral with an element of secularism.

An undoubted attraction for exhibitors and industry visitors will be a spectacular timed grave-digging competition! On 7 June, Targi Kielce will witness four funeral parlours' teams from Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic live competition. – invites Marcin Musiał.

Necroexpo's agenda includes a gala awarding ceremony with jubilee statuettes presentations, a banquet with live music, an evening barbecue party, and a photographic exhibition showing how Necroexpo has changed.

The distinguished Necroexpo partners fellowship includes the Polish Funeral Chamber Association, the Polish Funeral Association, Institute of the Funeral and Cemetery Industry, the Consortium of Funeral Exhibitors. The International Funeral and Cemetery Fair is organized under the auspices and recommended by the World Organization of Funeral Operatives FIAT-IFTA. Funeral milieus representatives have visited Necroexpo for many years.

The 10th jubilee International Funeral and Cemetery Industry Fair NECROEXPO
will be held from June 7 to 9, 2024 at Kielce Trade Fair.
For more information, visit

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FIAT-IFTA is the only internationally governed funeral Federation with National, Active And Associate Members in more than 80 countries.

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